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Welcome to ljb2of3.net! This web site is a place for me to show off software that I have written for the lighting industry, post videos and photos of some of my lighting design work, keep the world up to date about some of my ongoing projects, and a place to just put random things online.

My Christmas Lights

This year I've done a musical Christmas light display, for more info see the Christmas light page here.

A Little About Me

I live in the Tulsa, Oklahoma area, and attend the University of Tulsa where I am majoring in Information Systems Technology. I work for The Crosby Group as a PC support tech, as well as a systems and network administrator. I also work on occasion at Union High School as a lighting tech.

In my free time, I run LJB2of3 Software, writing custom software and building web sites. Also in my free time I do lighting design work under the banner LJB2of3 Lighting. I have done lighting design for area church dramas and business trade shows. I can do also freelance programming on Flying Pig Wholehog 2, Chamsys MagicQ, and ETC Emphasis consoles.

A Little About Stuff I've Done

Laser Sim is a piece of software that allows you to use a computer and video projector to create laser like effects. It was first created for use at Union High School, but I've deciede to offer it for others to use as well. .Matrix is a small media server that plays quicktime movies and generates the DMX stream to display that video on a set of LED fixtures.

A Little About Stuff I'm Doing

My current projects include updating this website with more information, as well as creating a string of christmas lights that change colors.